If you want to avoid cancer then make milk a part of your diet, big revelation in research – ..

If you include milk in your diet regularly then it can prove to be very beneficial for your health. A recent research has claimed that drinking a glass of milk daily can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 20%. This research is an important step taken for cancer prevention and is being highly appreciated among health experts.

This study published in The New England Journal of Medicine states that calcium and other nutrients present in milk strengthen the intestinal walls and reduce the effects of harmful elements. Along with this, Vitamin D found in milk protects the body cells from cancer. It is especially beneficial for colon cancer, which is increasing rapidly around the world.

How beneficial is drinking milk?
Researchers say that 200-250 ml per day. Drinking milk is enough. It not only strengthens gut health but also strengthens bones. However, researchers also said that milk should be consumed in small quantities. Drinking excessive amounts of milk can increase the amount of fat in the body, which can lead to other health problems.

It also has other benefits: Amazing
Milk not only protects against cancer but also boosts the immune system. The protein and calcium present in it strengthens bones and teeth. Besides, it keeps the skin healthy and keeps the body full of energy throughout the day.

Who should consume milk?
Experts say that people of all ages should include milk in their diet. It is especially beneficial for children, elderly and women. It helps in protecting not only from cancer but also from many other diseases. However, people suffering from lactose intolerance should consult a doctor before consuming milk. Apart from this, give preference to fat-free milk or low-fat milk.

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