Home remedies: If your nose is blocked due to cold, breathing is becoming difficult, then try these home remedies, you will get instant relief.
It is extremely cold in many states. In cold, cold, cough, blocked nose and mucus starts accumulating in the chest. These problems are very common in winter. The biggest problem in case of cold is frequent blockage of nose and this makes breathing difficult.
Read:- If these symptoms are visible in the body including fatigue, headache and weakness, then understand that the body needs detox.
Due to cold and blocked nose, there is difficulty in breathing. In such a situation, getting a peaceful sleep is no less than a challenge. Today we are going to tell you about such a decoction to open the blocked nose. Due to which you can get relief from cold.
It can also help in curing the mucus accumulated in the chest and body pain. To make this decoction, add turmeric, ginger, five to six basil leaves and two cloves in two cups of water and boil. Then filter it and drink it like hot tea.
Gingerol is found in decoction which helps in reducing swelling of the nose. Also, due to the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties present in it, it can help in providing relief from cold and cough. Curcumin is found in turmeric, which can help in clearing blocked nose. Additionally, turmeric reduces swelling in the throat and reduces mucus accumulated in the nose.
Turmeric has anti-oxidant and anti-allergic properties. It provides relief from blocked nose. Basil contains vitamin C, antioxidants and zinc. It strengthens immunity and helps protect against seasonal infections. Tulsi also has antibacterial and anti-viral properties. At the same time, cloves open the blocked nose and also make breathing easier.
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