Illegal Haj pilgrims are in trouble this time, Saudi government is already preparing, 1300 deaths had given sleepless nights
New Delhi: Saudi Arabia has started preparations for Hajj to be held in 2025. Every year in May and June, pilgrims from all over the world reach Saudi Arabia for Hajj, but this time preparations have already been started keeping in mind the challenge of weather. Saudi Arabia experiences extreme heat during these months, which led to the deaths of 1,300 pilgrims during the Hajj last year, as temperatures in Mecca reached 52 degrees Celsius. After this tragic incident, questions were raised on the government and this time the administration is planning to take special steps to deal with the heat. There may also be changes in some rules under this.
The most important step is to reduce the number of illegal pilgrims.
Experts say that to provide better facilities during summer, the most important step will be to control crowd and reduce the number of illegal pilgrims. Last year in June, around 18 lakh people participated in Haj and it proved fatal as the temperature in Mecca reached 51.8 degrees. According to Saudi officials, most of these 1,301 deaths were of illegal pilgrims who did not have official Hajj permits, so they could not access facilities to protect themselves from the heat.
Illegal pilgrims will be stopped
The Saudi government has not given detailed information about the preparations for Haj this time, because there are still a few months left for Haj. Abderzak Boochama of King Abdullah International Medical Research Center says that this time the focus of the authorities will be on stopping illegal pilgrims. Keeping in mind the lessons learned from last year's situation, they do not want to let it happen again. However, it remains to be seen what kind of new measures are implemented this year.
Hajj rules will require changes
Boochama also suggested that to reduce the impact of heat, wearable sensors could be used, which would track the body temperature of the pilgrims. Along with this, he has also recommended deploying mobile cooling units for the Hajis. He says that if appropriate steps are not taken this time, the situation may worsen. There will be a need for changes in the rules of Haj in future and special attention needs to be paid in this direction. Read Also: This Muslim country had conspired to kill Donald Trump! President Masoud Pajeshkian hit back
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