Improvement in global IT markets good sign for Indian technology companies: Report

New DelhiNew Delhi: After global IT giant Accenture released strong quarterly results, analysts expect Indian IT companies to also post strong numbers in the upcoming quarters, following the global trend. A report by HDFC Securities suggests that Accenture's performance indicates a potential recovery for the IT sector overall, providing positive insights for Indian firms. “Accenture's Q4FY24 results reinforce signs of recovery for the IT sector,” the report said. The company's Q4 FY24 results highlighted significant improvements in the IT industry. According to the report, the company's top-end guidance takes into account stable macroeconomic conditions, with a notable 4 percentage points turnaround in organic growth – from negative 1 per cent in FY24 to an estimated positive 3 per cent for FY25.

This change suggests that the global IT landscape is beginning to show signs of improvement, driven by demand for outsourcing and larger deals. This trend is likely to benefit Indian IT companies, which have a significant focus on outsourcing and large-scale deals, the report said. Accenture's strong performance in outsourcing, especially through large contracts, is seen as a positive indicator for Indian IT firms, which are also largely dependent on this segment for growth.

“The continuation of strong growth in outsourcing driven by large deals can be interpreted as a positive indicator for Indian IT,” the report said. The improvement in outsourcing demand is expected to help Indian IT companies improve their performance in the coming quarters. However, the report also said that the growth may not be completely uniform across the Indian IT sector. It noted that Accenture's growth has been heavily supported by public service deals, which may not be as relevant for Indian IT companies, which generally have smaller stakes in the sector.

“This growth may not be entirely secular due to the high share of public service deals by the company,” the report said. Despite this, positive trends in other sectors such as communications, media and technology (CMT) and modest improvement in the banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) sector are encouraging for Indian IT firms. Overall, while the improvement in global IT markets bodes well for Indian companies, the extent of their growth will depend on how well they are able to capitalize on these trends and address challenges in specific sectors. (ANI)

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