In this country, prostitutes charge more than doctors, after seeing the money, teachers and nurses started prostitution.
New Delhi. The economic condition of the country has been completely devastated by the ongoing civil war in Myanmar. Due to this, many women are forced into prostitution. This includes even doctors, teachers and nurses. The New York Times recently did a story about such women, in which they mentioned their hellish lives.
war took away everything
Women say that the country's economy has been devastated after the coup in 2021. Prices started skyrocketing and everyone's income decreased. This crisis pushed women into the world of prostitution. Women have been most affected by the war. Textile factories have closed, leading to a decrease in employment. A doctor from Mandalay, Myanmar's second largest city, says that she studied medicine for 7 years. Even after studying, I did not get a good job, hence I had to sell my body.
Had to sell body to survive
The doctor told that date girls are getting women involved in prostitution. A 25-year-old single mother asked what she would feed her child if she had not sold her body. One has to do all this to stay alive. To run the house I have to have sexual relations with men. A woman who lost her husband in the war said that she searched a lot for work but could not find it. There was a challenge to raise a child, so I had to choose prostitution. Let us tell you that prostitution is illegal in Myanmar but still women are forced to do all this. People danced fiercely on Hare Rama-Hare Krishna in the church of Lucknow, the video created an uproar on social media, Muslims will come on the streets, book seized.., Maulana gave open threat to the government on Salman Rushdie's book.
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