Be sure to include Kinnow in children's diet in winter, it will have amazing benefits.
Kinnu Health Benefits: Healthy snacking is beneficial for everyone. especially children Giving dry fruits and fruits between meals keeps them energetic throughout the day and also helps in satisfying their cravings. Children require more nutrients than adults to grow and develop properly. winter In this season, a similar fruit comes which looks like an orange but its nutritional value is much higher. Yes, we are talking about Kinnow rich in Vitamin C. The shape and texture of kinnow is like an orange but there is a difference in taste. If kinnow is regularly included in the child's diet, a change can be seen in his overall health. So let us know about the benefits of Kinnow.
Why should kinnow be given to children?
This fruit, which looks like an orange, is considered a mine of nutrients. Kinnow, rich in minerals like Vitamin C, sodium, potassium, copper, calcium and Vitamin B, can contribute significantly to the physical development of children. This fruit mainly comes in the winter season only. If a child consumes one tangerine daily, he can get 2.5 times more calcium than an orange. Which can prove to be very beneficial for the bone health of the child. It can be included in the diet of children as snacking.
Health benefits of Kinnow
take care of your eyes
Kinnow is rich in Vitamin C which helps in keeping the eyes of children healthy. Regular consumption of kinnow can also help in improving eyesight.
control cholesterol
If Kinnow is consumed daily, cholesterol can be controlled. Kinnow can reduce the chances of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack to a great extent. If children are fed kinnow since childhood, their blood circulation remains fine.
increase immunity
Kinnow is considered a powerhouse of Vitamin C which can help in increasing the immunity of children. It contains abundant amounts of anti-oxidants which can be helpful in fighting viral fever, cold and infections.
Beneficial for digestion
Digestion becomes slow during winter season. Regular consumption of kinnow can provide relief from digestive problems. Especially in this season, children consume more unhealthy things, due to which problems like indigestion and constipation may occur. To avoid the problems of changing weather, consuming one kinnow daily can be beneficial.
increase hemoglobin
If there is lack of blood in the body, children may feel weak and tired. Apart from pomegranate, consumption of kinnow can prove beneficial for increasing hemoglobin during winter season. It contains iron in abundance. It can be included in children's diet as snacking.
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