To prevent diabetes in winter, include these foods in your diet.

Most people like to eat spicy, fried and sweet food in winter, but diabetic patients should take special care of their eating habits in this season. There is a greater possibility of fluctuations in sugar level during cold weather, which can increase the problems of diabetic patients. Diabetes is an incurable disease, for which there is no permanent cure. To control this disease, it is very important to pay attention to diet. Come, let us know what diabetic patients should eat and what not in winter.

green leafy vegetables
Diabetic patients should eat more green leafy vegetables. Like spinach, fenugreek, mustard, and broccoli. Consuming these vegetables keeps the sugar level in the body under control, which helps in controlling diabetes in a better way.

whole fruit
Whole fruits are also good for diabetic patients. Like guava, orange, and apple. Apple contains starch, but it is not harmful. These fruits contain fiber and simple sugar, which slows down the absorption of sugar in the blood. Keep in mind that if you want to keep blood sugar under control, then you should not drink too much fruit juice.

protein intake
Protein rich food is important for diabetic patients. Like eggs, cheese, pulses, and low-fat curd. Consuming these keeps the sugar level under control and you feel healthy. Protein-rich breakfast keeps the sugar level stable throughout the day.

Nuts and Seeds
Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flax seeds are rich in omega-3s and fiber. Nuts and seeds are good for diabetic patients, as they help in controlling sugar levels.

Low Glycemic Index Foods
Including low glycemic index foods like moong dal, masoor dal, oats, and brown rice in the diet can be beneficial. At the same time, one should avoid those foods which increase the glycemic index, like flour, rice and sugar.

Tomato-spinach soup is beneficial for diabetic patients. It is very good to consume fresh soup in winter, as it keeps the body warm and helps in controlling the sugar level.

Avoid sugar free and processed foods
Diabetic patients should stay away from sugar-free, packaged and processed foods, bakery products, and sweets. Consuming these things increases the sugar level rapidly, which can have a negative impact on health.

Vitamin D and Calcium Rich Foods
It is also very important to stay out in the sun and consume calcium-rich foods in winter. This keeps the health of the body under control. Diabetic patients should not eat too much food at one go. They should eat balanced meals at small intervals and 3 to 4 times a day. Apart from this, remaining on an empty stomach for a long time can also increase sugar level.

Physical activity reduces in winter, so light yoga, walking, or exercise at home should be done. It helps in keeping the sugar level stable.

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