Is it auspicious or inauspicious to have a mirror outside the cupboard? Know some special things about Vastu Shastra related to cupboard

Mirror Outside The Cupboard: Every object kept in the house and its place plays a very important role in your life.

If the things kept in the house are kept in the right place and in the right direction, then the house remains free from Vastu defects and family problems also get resolved. On the contrary, if there is a Vastu defect in the house, then it will be removed. (Vastu defect) When this happens, even the work that has been completed starts getting spoiled.

By adopting measures related to Vastu, money related problems are also solved. In such a situation, Vastu rules should always be kept in mind for the place where money is kept. Usually everyone keeps money or their valuables in the cupboard.

While buying it, some people get fascinated by the beauty of the mirror on it and bring it home. But do you know that the mirror outside the cupboard is not kept in the house? (Mirror Outside Wardrobe) Is it auspicious or inauspicious to have it? So let us tell you today whether it is auspicious or inauspicious to put a mirror outside the cupboard.

Is it auspicious or inauspicious to have a mirror outside the cupboard? Know some special things about Vastu Shastra related to wardrobe

Don't buy such a wardrobe even by mistake

According to Vastu Shastra, mirrors placed on the outside of the cupboard in the house are considered inauspicious. Do not buy such a cupboard even by mistake.

This increases negativity in the house. It is believed that this also worsens the financial condition of the house.

Is it auspicious or inauspicious to have a mirror outside the cupboard? Know some special things about Vastu Shastra related to wardrobe

wooden wardrobe at home

According to Vastu Shastra, iron or wooden cupboards should be kept in the house. Make sure that there is no mirror on this cupboard, as it causes domestic discord.

According to Vastu Shastra, it is auspicious to keep the cupboard in the south-west part of the house. It is believed that having a cupboard in this direction ensures that the family has enough money.

According to Vastu Shastra, one should never keep a stone cupboard in the house. This cupboard always looks beautiful but keeping such a cupboard in the house can spread negativity.

Is it auspicious or inauspicious to have a mirror outside the cupboard? Know some special things about Vastu Shastra related to wardrobe

Always keep this in mind while buying a wardrobe

Colors have a great impact on all of our lives. In such a situation, choose the color of the cupboard that matches the walls of the house. This maintains positivity in the family. If there is a safe in your cupboard, then get it painted in cream color, it is considered auspicious. Many rules have been mentioned in Vastu Shastra for increasing wealth, following which brings prosperity.

Is it auspicious or inauspicious to have a mirror outside the cupboard? Know some special things about Vastu Shastra related to wardrobe

According to Vastu Shastra, you can also keep turmeric lump, yellow cowrie shells, silver coins in the safe, this will ensure that there is no shortage of money.

Disclaimer : The information here is based only on beliefs and information. It is important to mention here that Read Any kind of belief or information is not confirmed. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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