Is your salt healthy? Know the types, properties, importance and effects of salt on health.

The Ultimate Guide to Salt

The Ultimate Guide to Salt Salt is another name for taste in our life. A pinch of salt can make or break the taste. That is why it is very important for salt to be balanced. Be it about taste or health. That is why it is important to know the merits, demerits, importance, necessity and types of salt. Salt has been used for thousands of years. Salt was so important in ancient times that it was even used as currency, and salt has also held religious and cultural significance in many cultures.

Salt is a natural mineral known chemically as sodium chloride (NaCl). It is an essential part of the diet and also helps in the smooth functioning of many vital functions of the body. Salt is not only used to enhance the taste of food, but it is also essential for the body's electrolyte balance, muscle functioning and hydration.

Types of salt and effects on health

Salt holds an important place in our lives. Along with enhancing the taste of food, it also helps in many important functions of the body. But, consuming salt in the right way and in appropriate quantity will be beneficial for health only. Today we will know how many types of salt are there, which salt is good for health and how it should be consumed.

types of salt

  1. Common Salt (Table Salt)

    This is the most common type of salt used in most households. Iodine is added to it to prevent diseases like thyroid. However, during processing the natural minerals in this salt are lost and some amount of chemicals are also added to it.

  2. Sendha Namak (Rock Salt)

    It is rich in natural minerals and is not processed. It is especially used during fasting. Many essential minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium are found in it.

  3. Black Salt

    In Ayurveda it is considered useful for stomach problems. Its taste is mildly spicy and it is rich in antioxidants. This salt is considered beneficial for the digestive system.

  4. Himalayan Pink Salt

    This salt is very pure and rich in minerals. It is rich in iron, which is the reason for its pink color. It is considered very good for health because about 84 types of minerals are found in it.

  5. Sea Salt

    It is obtained from sea water and contains natural minerals. It is less processed and its use is also considered good for health.

Which salt is good for health?

According to experts, Himalayan pink salt and rock salt are considered best for health. These contain more natural minerals than processed salt which are beneficial for the body. However, if there is iodine deficiency, then use of iodized common salt is also necessary.

How should salt be consumed?

Salt should be consumed in limited quantities because consuming too much salt can cause many problems including high blood pressure, heart disease and kidney. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an adult person should consume less than 5 grams (less than one teaspoon) of salt per day.

important things

  1. Avoid processed foods: The amount of hidden salt in these is high.
  2. use natural salt: Rock, black or Himalayan pink salt are beneficial for health.
  3. balanced intake: Excessive salt can be harmful for the body.

(Disclaimer : This article is based on general information. We do not confirm this. Consult an expert if necessary.)

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