Seeing the water coming from the tap he said – Obnews

Child: Seeing the water coming from the tap.
Papa, where does this water come from?
Papa.- Son from the river….
Son – Then I want to see the river.
Papa takes him to see the river.
the child pushed them into the river
And came running home to mom
Mummy, open the tap quickly, papa will be coming.


Santa after new marriage
got confused
How to start a conversation.
half an hour later
After thinking about it
told my wife
Your family knows, right?
Will you stay here today?


The boy went to see the girl for marriage
He thought, why not with a girl
talk in english
he asked the girl
English will work, right?
The girl said shyly – Yes onion
And if salty is with you, then local too.
Will do…


A man in a college toilet
Went, sat inside on the toilet seat and saw the wall
But I saw it written,
“If you had put so much effort into your studies, you would have
Would have been sitting on a good seat today. ,


A bald man was getting off the bus, he
Someone pushed from behind.
Bald man: Why brother, why are you climbing on your head?
had been?
Second man: No brother, on your head
Don't slip while climbing.

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Jokes: Wife's very beautiful friend came home

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