Keep these 5 things in mind when your child has a fever: Kids Fever Tips

Keep these 5 things in mind when your child has a fever: Tips for Kids in Fever

All parents must take care of some things when their child has fever.

Kids Fever Tips: Children are most affected by the change in weather. Sometimes getting wet in the rain causes problems like cold, fever. Apart from this, sometimes children get fever due to playing in the sun for too long. But parents get very worried as soon as their small children fall ill. Sometimes they take their children to the doctor even if they have mild fever. But there are some parents who, when their child has fever, put cold water strips on their head, make them wear warm clothes and turn off the fan, so that the child's fever gets cured quickly. But parents should take special care of some things when their child has fever. Therefore, today we are going to tell you some things, so let's know.

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Kids Fever Tips
Check Fever with Thermometer

If the child has fever, definitely check it with a thermometer. Sometimes, due to changes in the environment and dehydration, the hands and feet of the child start getting hot. In such a situation, it is very important to confirm the child's fever by checking it with a thermometer first. After checking the fever, if the body temperature is above 99 degrees, then definitely give fever medicine to the child.

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If the child's fever is not coming down even after giving medicine, then in such a situation you can put cold water bandages on the child's head. But while putting water bandages on the child's head, take special care to use normal water and not cold water. Apart from the head, you can also put this bandage on the feet. This will help in curing the fever quickly.

If the child has a fever above 99 degrees, then you must give the child fever medicine. In case of fever, you must feed the child paracetamol or any medicine prescribed by the doctor. But if the child's fever is increasing repeatedly, then you can give fever medicine twice. Keep in mind that there should be a gap of at least four hours between the two doses of the medicine.

As soon as the child has fever, parents turn off the fan. Apart from this, they also close the windows and doors of the room so that the child does not get air. But this should not be done. When the child has fever, just keep in mind that the direct air of the fan, cooler or AC should not reach the child, because this can increase the fever.

Parents often dress their child in thick warm clothes when he has fever. The body is already hot due to fever. Also, wearing warm clothes makes the body even hotter. In such a situation, one should avoid wearing caps, socks and sweaters when the child has fever. During this time, dress the child in cotton clothes or if you have to dress him in warm clothes, then dress him in lesser clothes.

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