Keep yourself healthy during the fast with these 5 gluten-free recipes: Gluten-Free Recipes for Navratri

This Navratri, try these 5 gluten-free recipes

Let us know about 5 fasting special gluten free recipes to keep yourself healthy during the fast, which you can include in your diet and make your fast successful in a healthy way.

Gluten-Free Recipes for NavratriThe festival of Navratri is about to come. During this time people keep fast according to their faith. Some people keep fast on the first and last day, while some people observe fast for the entire nine days. During this time people often make the mistake of not taking proper care of their food, due to which their health starts deteriorating from the second or third day itself and they start feeling dehydration, indigestion, headache and weakness. In such a situation, it is very important to take proper care of your food during the fast, so that you remain healthy and your fast is also completed well.

To keep yourself healthy during the fast, it is important to consume gluten-free foods. This also provides relief from stomach problems such as gas, constipation, bloating, etc. and also maintains energy in the body during the fast. Actually, the things used during the fast like buckwheat flour, samak rice and sago are all gluten-free. Their consumption does not increase weight and the body also receives carbohydrates, magnesium fiber, protein and other essential nutrients. Consuming things made from gluten-free ingredients keeps the stomach full for a long time and one does not feel hungry frequently.

Read More: Eat these things during Navratri fast, you will remain active throughout the day

Let's know about 5 Vrat Specials to keep yourself healthy during fasting Gluten free recipes, which you can include in your diet to make your fast successful in a healthy wayI

Gluten-Free Recipes for Navratri
Falhari Samak Cheela


  • 1 cup samak rice
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • Rock salt as per taste
  • 2 chopped green chillies
  • 1 small bowl of ghee
  • Chopped green coriander

Method of preparation

  • First of all, soak the Samak rice for 1 hour.
  • Now wash this rice thoroughly and grind it in the mixer.
  • Then mash the boiled potatoes in this paste and mix it well.
  • Add chopped green chillies, green coriander and rock salt as per taste to this mixture and mix well.
  • Now pour 1 teaspoon ghee all around on a non-stick pan and spread half the bowl of mixture on top.
  • Let it cook well for a minute, then turn it over and cook it from the other side.
  • When it becomes golden from both the sides, take it out and serve it with curd or fasting peanut chutney or green coriander chutney.
Sweet Potato HalwaSweet Potato Halwa
Sweet Potato Halwa


  • 250 g sweet potato
  • 100 grams sugar
  • 100 gms ghee
  • 10 cashews, almonds, pistachios

Method of preparation

  • To make sweet potato pudding for fasting, first boil the sweet potato in a pressure cooker.
  • When the sweet potato becomes soft after boiling, peel it and keep it in a vessel. Now mash the sweet potato well.
  • Now take a pan and put ghee in it, when the ghee is heated well then put the mashed sweet potato in it and fry it well.
  • When a mild aroma starts coming from the sweet potato and its color also starts becoming light brown, then add sugar to it and mix it well.
  • Keep stirring the halwa until the sugar dissolves completely.
  • After this, add cardamom powder to the halwa and mix it well. Now add dry fruits to the halwa and mix it well.
  • After mixing everything, fry the halwa for a few minutes and then turn off the gas. Delicious Falhari Sweet Potato Halwa is ready.
Kuttu DosaKuttu Dosa
Kuttu Dosa


  • 3-4 boiled potatoes
  • Rock salt as per taste
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped green chillies
  • Ghee for cooking
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • half a cup of buckwheat flour

Method of preparation

  • To make Buckwheat Dosa, first prepare the dosa masala. For this, put ghee in a pan, after the ghee is heated, add cumin seeds to it, then add boiled potatoes and mash them.
  • After this, add rock salt and half a teaspoon of ginger, mix it well and fry the potatoes well for some time. When it turns golden, keep it aside.
  • After this, to make dosa, mash one potato in a vessel and add buckwheat flour and rock salt in it and prepare a thick paste by adding some water to it.
  • Now take a non-stick pan and apply ghee on it. Then spread the dosa paste on this pan. Let it cook well for some time, then flip it and cook from the other side as well. After this, place the prepared potatoes in the middle and fold the dosa.
  • Serve this dosa with green coriander fasting chutney. This dosa is very tasty to eat and is also healthy during fasting.
Kuttu Dahi BhallaKuttu Dahi Bhalla
Kuttu Dahi Bhalla


  • Buckwheat flour
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • 250 gms fresh curd
  • 1 cup ghee
  • Rock salt (according to taste)
  • Green coriander finely chopped
  • finely chopped green chillies
  • 1 tsp roasted cumin powder
  • 2 teaspoons sugar (according to taste)
  • 1 cup pomegranate seeds

Method of preparation

  • To make Buckwheat Dahi Bhalla, first of all prepare a mixture by mixing buckwheat flour, boiled potatoes, green chillies, green coriander and rock salt. Keep in mind that this mixture should not be too wet. If it becomes wet, then the bhallas will not be made.
  • Now take a frying pan and heat ghee in it. Remember to always cook the Bhalle on low flame. After this, make small Bhalle of this mixture and put them in the pan and fry them. When the Bhalle are fried well, take them out and put them in ice cold water.
  • After the bhalla is fried, prepare curd for it. For this, beat the cold curd well and add sugar, roasted cumin seeds and rock salt as per taste.
  • Now keep this prepared curd in a vessel. After this, take out the balls from the water and squeeze them and keep them in a bowl one by one and then pour curd over them.
  • After pouring curd nicely over the Bhallas, add some pomegranate seeds over it and serve.
Aloo TikkiAloo Tikki
Potato Tikki


  • 5-6 boiled potatoes
  • 1 bowl water chestnut flour
  • 2-3 green chillies
  • Chopped green coriander
  • Ghee
  • Rock salt (according to taste)

Method of preparation

  • When the tikki becomes golden brown from both the sides, then take it out in a plate. Now your delicious potato tikki is ready, eat it with hot chutney.
  • First of all, boil the potatoes in a pressure cooker. After the potatoes cool down, peel them properly.
  • Now put boiled potatoes in a vessel and mash them well. Now add water chestnut flour in it, then add chopped green chillies, green coriander, rock salt as per taste and mix everything well.
  • After this, apply a little ghee on your hands and take the prepared mixture little by little in your hands and give it the shape of potato tikki with the help of your palms and keep it aside in a plate.
  • Now take a non-stick pan and heat it on medium flame. When the pan is hot, pour some ghee in it and spread it all over the surface.
  • After this, put the prepared tikkis one by one on the pan and cook them well. After a while, turn the tikkis and cook from the other side. If needed, apply ghee on top as well.

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