Know how to control blood sugar and obesity by eating dates at night

You must have often heard that there are many benefits of eating dates before sleeping at night. But is this really true? Let us know in detail about the benefits of eating dates:

Health benefits of dates

Dates are a fruit that is rich in nutrients. It contains nutrients like potassium, magnesium, vitamin B complex and fiber. Eating dates before sleeping at night can give you the following benefits:

  • Improves digestion: Dates contain fiber which improves digestion and provides relief from constipation.
  • Source of Energy: Dates contain natural sugar which provides you energy.
  • Makes bones stronger: Dates contain calcium and magnesium which makes the bones stronger.
  • Reduces stress: Some elements present in dates help in reducing stress.
  • Relief from insomnia: The amino acid called tryptophan present in dates helps in improving sleep.

Does eating dates increase obesity?

It is a common belief that eating dates increases obesity because it contains sugar. But this is not completely true. Dates contain natural sugar and are also rich in fiber. Fiber slows down digestion and makes you feel full for a longer period of time, making you eat less.

Keep in mind:

  • Everything is good in balance.
  • If you are a diabetic patient, then definitely consult your doctor before eating dates.

Some disadvantages of eating dates at night

  • Blood sugar: If you are a diabetic patient, the sugar present in dates can increase your blood sugar level.
  • Weight gain: If you eat dates in large quantities, it can lead to weight gain.


Dates are a nutritious fruit that offers many health benefits. However, it should be eaten in moderation. If you are suffering from any disease, then definitely consult your doctor before eating dates.

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