More than 80% of women suffer from pregnancy brain, know the symptoms and prevention of the problem

In every woman's life, one stage after another brings happiness and sadness. Here, the phase of pregnancy after marriage brings a new feeling which many women understand easily. In many cases, many women get shocked by this happy news and it affects their mind. This problem has been named pregnancy brain or mummy brain which affects mental health.

Know what the study says

Here women's memory starts to weaken during pregnancy. According to the National Library of Medicine, more than 80% of women experience pregnancy brain problems during pregnancy. Pregnancy brain condition often occurs in women from the first 3-4 months of pregnancy. Many hormones are released in the body during pregnancy, when their quantity increases, changes start taking place in the brain as well. These changes are different due to some reason or the other.

The problem is solved after delivery

Although, the problem of pregnancy brain develops during pregnancy, it easily ends after pregnancy. It is not necessary that every woman goes through this condition, it is quite common in many women. In countries like America-Europe, it is taken very seriously but in India, women forget this problem during work.

Symptoms of pregnancy brain

There are several symptoms of pregnancy brain problems that one should know about.

Lack of concentration

Forgetting even the smallest things

Lack of sleep

Lack of interest in work

Excessive stress and anxiety

feeling tired all the time

How do you deal with this problem

If you notice these types of changes during pregnancy, you should know these tips.

Get plenty of rest

Get enough sleep

Make a time table for every day

Listen to songs, cook or paint, do activities that you like

take nutritious food

Do yoga, meditation and exercise

Talk to your loved ones when you are stressed

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