Know whether the effect of sweet potato is cold or hot, for whom is it beneficial?

Generally, the nature of sweet potato is considered hot. However, this is not completely true. Its effect may change slightly depending on the nutrients present in sweet potato.

Benefits of Sweet Potato:

Sweet potatoes are rich in many nutrients, such as:

  • Vitamin A: good for eye health
  • vitamin C: strengthens the immune system
  • Potassium: controls blood pressure
  • Fiber: Keeps the digestive system healthy

For whom is sweet potato beneficial:

  • Diabetes patients: The fiber found in sweet potatoes allows blood sugar to rise slowly, making it beneficial for diabetic patients.
  • People looking to lose weight: Sweet potatoes are high in fiber, which makes you feel full for longer and helps in weight loss.
  • People suffering from digestive problems: The fiber present in sweet potatoes keeps the digestive system healthy and provides relief from problems like constipation.
  • People suffering from eye problems: Sweet potatoes contain Vitamin A which is good for eye health.

When not to eat sweet potatoes:

  • In large quantities: Consuming too much of anything can be harmful. Sweet potato has high carbohydrate content, hence it should be eaten in limited quantity only.
  • Patients taking beta-blockers: Beta-blockers increase potassium levels and excessive consumption of potassium-rich sweet potatoes can cause complications.


Sweet potato is a healthy and nutritious food. By making it a part of a balanced diet, you can get many health benefits. However, it is important to consult your doctor before consuming any food item.

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