Know why panic attacks occur, recognize the symptoms from these few signs, do not ignore them…

Raipur:- A panic attack is a psychological condition in which the person suffering from it becomes afraid. A panic attack is an intense feeling of fear and anxiety. It often occurs when people are worried about an event in their lives or are faced with a difficult or stressful situation. Panic attacks can feel very frightening, especially for children, but can usually be prevented with treatment. It is important to know that a panic attack will not cause any harm and even though it may not feel like it during the attack, the feeling will pass.
Panic attacks often begin during adolescence, although they can also begin in childhood. The attacks can cause severe anxiety, as well as affect other parts of the child's mood or functioning.

The symptoms that are usually seen when there is panic are as follows…

rapid heartbeat and rapid breathing

Excessive and continuous sweating

Chest pain and discomfort

tremors or shaking in the body

feeling of chills in the body

Upset stomach and nausea


Having trouble breathing

become numb

feeling fear of death

Failure to accept the reality and current situation

feeling of obstruction in the respiratory tract

Causes of panic attacks

Phobia: People can have panic attacks if they have a phobia about any thing or situation.

Situational: Certain situations, such as a significant personal loss or separation from a significant other, illness or accident, can act as triggers for panic.

Lack of firmness of thought and self-confidence – People who lack self-confidence are usually prone to panic attacks.

Heredity: Sometimes heredity is also considered responsible for anxiety disorders. If there is a history of this in the family, then the risk of this condition in the new generation increases.

Biological causes: Obsessive-compulsive disorder, stress caused by a traumatic situation, hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism, Wilson's disease, mitral valve prolapse, pheochromocytoma and malnutrition can also cause this problem.

Medicines: Panic attacks can sometimes be a side effect of medicines.

Hyperventilation syndrome: Hyperventilation syndrome can cause respiratory alkalosis and hypocapnia. This syndrome often involves predominantly mouth breathing. It causes a variety of symptoms including a rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and lightheadedness that can worsen panic attacks.

How to avoid panic attacks
Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly because exercise not only provides relief from stress and anxiety but also makes both the heart and mind feel peaceful. Due to which the chances of having a panic attack are reduced.
practice deep breathing
If you are feeling panicky, then taking deep breaths can be beneficial. In adverse circumstances, taking deep breaths slowly through the nose and exhaling through both the nose and mouth provides relief from anxiety and other mental conditions. You can also make pranayama a part of your regular exercise.

your diet

It is very important to pay attention to your daily diet. Apart from alcohol and tobacco, food containing elements like caffeine, refined sugar and monosodium glutamate i.e. MSG should be avoided. This type of diet can increase nervousness.

Adequate sleep is essential

It is important to get enough sleep for both physical and mental health. Doctors say that good quality sleep relieves stress from both the mind and the body, which reduces the chances of panic attacks.

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