After drinking last night, it was too much, friends.. – Obnews

Wife wakes up in the morning and goes straight to makeup.

Started doing it, husband's eyes opened.
Husband: Have you gone mad?
Are you doing makeup?
Wife: Shut up, I'm on my phone
Had installed lock to open after seeing, now
The phone is not recognizing me.


Wife: “What if I get lost?”
What would you do ?”
Husband: “I am in the newspaper
Will give advertisement.
Wife: “You are so nice,
What will you write?
Husband: “Whoever gets it.”


after drinking last night it was too much
It's done friends..
Mistaking it as a hotel and taking it to court
gone away
The judge sitting in front said:
Order order…
We also said one chicken
And two quarters.


Aamir Khan met Alia Alia Aamir your dangal film very
it was good
Aamir – Hey you haven't seen my film PK
Alia- had seen the movie
but haven't seen PK
Because I don't drink alcohol.

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