3 Luckiest Zodiac Signs On October 25, 2024

On October 25, three zodiac signs will come to know just how lucky they are, as the astrological weather brings us good fortune and much luck. Due to the presence of Moon square Mercury, we’re looking at how the world seems to agree with everything we do.

For some, luck may have something to do with the idea that nobody, at this point, disagrees with us. Moon square Mercury may have a broad span of choices when it comes to luck, but one thing we three zodiac signs will see is that nobody in our circle is putting us down or emotionally invalidating our choices.

Luck may involve winning the lottery, not arguing, getting along with people, or simply being accepted without questions. We’ll come to know this luck, and it will be peaceful and easy.

Three luckiest zodiac signs on October 25, 2024:

1. Taurus

Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

There are moments when you know you’ve overstepped your bounds, and these times teach you the best lessons. By admitting your mistakes, you can own them and use them to create new and better circumstances for yourself. This is how you create your good luck, Taurus.

You’ll be able to tap into the powers of Moon square Mercury, as this transit specifically has your name on it, so to speak. This cosmic event shows that because you’ve learned discretion and tact, the world around you seems friendlier and more accommodating.

This is a lucky day for you, and while you may want to fill out a lottery ticket or something along those lines, you may also want to sit back and just watch as all the pieces fall into place. You don’t have to do much to create good luck on this day, but you will want to be there to open your heart to it, as it will feel blissful.

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2. Virgo

Virgo Luckiest Zodiac Signs On October 25, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

Being someone who tends to look a gift horse in the mouth, you aren’t always that sure it’s YOU who has been handed the good luck that this day means to provide you with. You are skeptical but not closed off; you will see that October 25 seems to bring you the kind of condition that you can only see as beneficial.

Something is happening ‘out there,’ and you’ll see that what’s happening is that your bad luck has shifted, and now, so much seems possible for you, Virgo. The one thing that will stand out is that nobody is naysaying what you do.

And that’s a big deal for you because you’re used to being criticized for everything, or at least, that’s how you see it. Great luck is about feeling at peace with your surroundings, knowing everyone’s on your side, and supporting whatever you want.

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3. Capricorn

Capricorn Luckiest Zodiac Signs On October 25, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

If you have become used to not getting what you want simply because no two people can ever agree on anything in your world, it will come as a major surprise for you, as luck just pours on all the way.

All you perceive to be against you presents itself as ‘on your side.’ So, while you’ve trained yourself to deal with the constant bickering and disappointment, you can kick back and relax on this day as luck has finally left your side.

Your horoscope shows you that luck is something you can be a part of and that it’s not all sour faces and disagreeable people. While you’ll still have to deal with others, you’ll find that your personal experience of the world on this day is one of joy, beauty and the promise of more where that came from.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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