Make tan removal soap easily at home: To clean stubborn dirt and tan from face and body, make tan removal soap easily at home.

Make tan removal soap easily at home:Lentils, rich in nutrients, are very beneficial for health as well as skin. Red lentils can get rid of the dirt and tanning accumulated on the body. Today we are going to tell you how to make red lentils at home. Which is a tan removal soap. You will feel the difference only after applying it once.

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To make tan removal soap at home, you will need one cup of red lentils, four spoons of rice flour, two spoons of coffee powder and two spoons of coconut oil, lemon juice, two vitamin E capsules and two spoons of rose water. If you do not have soap base then you can use any normal mild soap as a base.

First of all, grind red lentils and make powder. Now take it out in a bowl. Then prepare a fine paste by mixing rice flour, coffee powder, coconut oil and all the ingredients mentioned above. Now cut soap base or any mild soap into small pieces and melt it. You can use a double boiler or microwave to melt. Now mix lentil paste in it. Keep everything in the refrigerator to freeze in a mold or ice tray. The soap will be ready after five to six hours.

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