Meet man whose net worth is Rs 18000 crore, still travels in local train, his name is…, business is…
Niranjan Hiranandani is recognized as a self-made billionaire with a net worth is Rs 18000 crore. Here is his full story.
Niranjan Hiranandani is a business titan who has been conferred with the title of Real Estate ‘Industry Guru’. Hiranandani is known as the anchor of a huge business empire of the Hiranandani Group and he continues to be a forerunner, leading the group to new heights. As of January, 2025, Hiranandani currently leads the baton of the Hiranandani Group of companies traversing from business of Real Estate to the new age of Business of Data Centers, Industrial, and Logistics.
Apart from all this, Hiranandani has been known for transforming the Hiranandani Group into a company of global repute with his sharp business acumen skills. Here are all the details you need to know Niranjan Hiranandani and his successful journey.
Net worth of Niranjan Hiranandani
According to a list released by Hurun, Niranjan Hiranandani is among the 50 richest people in India. Niranjan has assets worth Rs 1,21,20,71,00,000 and has a collection of luxury cars too. However, one surprising thing about Niranjan is that instead of wasting time in Mumbai’s traffic, he decided to travel by Mumbai’s local train. Most importantly, it is quite interesting that while enjoying the journey with common people in train, some people do not even recognize Niranjan Hiranandani.
“Known for his savvy investment strategies and pioneering developments, his financial success is a direct result of decades of dedication and hard work in the real estate sector”, the official website of Niranjan Hiranandani said.
“His efforts have not only transformed Mumbai’s skyline but have also set standards in urban living, bringing world-class amenities, sustainable living, and a luxurious lifestyle within reach of many”, the website added.
Niranjan Hiranandani: The Story of a Self-Made Billionaire
Niranjan Hiranandani is recognized as a self-made billionaire. Hiranandani began his professional journey as an accounting teacher after pursuing her studies to become a chartered accountant (CA). Following a few years in the commerce field, Hiranandani co-founded the Hiranandani Group with his brother. Later in the year 1981, Hiranandani initiated his business with a textile weaving venture. Over time, Hiranandani shifted his focus to the real estate industry, ultimately establishing himself as a prominent figure in that sector.
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