Men get upset by these things said by women, they are not able to express their feelings openly: Relationship Advice

Men get upset by these things said by women, they are not able to express their feelings openly

Male Feelings: Due to some things of women, men are not able to express their feelings properly. Let's know about these things of women-

Relationship Advice: In the relationship between men and women, understanding and expressing emotions sometimes becomes a big challenge. Sometimes men Women Men are not able to express their feelings openly in front of women and there can be some common reasons behind this. Here we will tell you some such things, due to which men get very upset. In such a situation, they try to express their feelings openly in front of women. Feelings are not able to express it openly. Let's know about these things-

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Relationship Advice
Male Feelings

If women repeatedly criticize their partner or point out their mistakes, men start feeling uncomfortable. This makes them shy away from expressing their feelings because they feel that they may become victims of criticism again.

Some women repeatedly remind men of old issues or problems. This makes men mentally exhausted and they start repressing their emotions because they don't want old issues to be brought up again in every conversation.


If women have very high expectations from their partner and put pressure on them to fulfil them all the time, then men may start feeling very stressed. Due to this, they start considering themselves worthless, due to which they start hesitating to express their feelings.

Many times men try to express their feelings, but women do not understand their feelings properly or ignore them. This can discourage men and they avoid expressing their feelings further.

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Signs Your Controlling Partner

If women try to control their partner too much, whether it is their personal freedom or other aspects of life, men start feeling uncomfortable. They feel that they cannot express their thoughts or desires freely.

Many times women jump to conclusions without listening to or understanding the full statement of a man. This makes men feel afraid of being misunderstood or incomplete, and they are unable to express their feelings clearly.

Men also need to express their feelings, but sometimes due to social pressure, misunderstandings or tension in relationships, they are unable to express their feelings openly. It is very important to have communication and understanding in relationships, so that both parties can share their feelings without any hesitation.

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