Mental health of youth is being affected due to low salary, shocking revelation in the report

New Delhi: Recently a report has come out, in which it was found that the mental health of low paid employees is deteriorating rapidly. This situation is giving rise to problems like stress, anxiety, depression and burnout. The main reason behind this is the pressure of more work to meet the needs of the family due to low income, which has a negative impact on mental health.

World Health Organization expressed concern

The survey conducted in the report found that burnout in offices has reached the highest level since 2021. In this survey conducted on 10,000 full-time employees from America, Britain and other 6 countries, more than 40% people admitted the problem of burnout. In 2021, this figure was 38%, which has now increased to 42%. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labor Organization have also expressed concern over this. According to him, millions of working hours are being wasted every year due to increasing stress among employees, causing a loss of approximately $1 trillion to the global economy.

Women are more affected than men

Research has also found that it is affecting women more than men. According to the report, cases of burnout among women have doubled since 2019. Low salary, not getting promotion and pressure of family responsibilities are becoming major causes of mental health problems in women.

Social media is also responsible

Apart from low income, spending more time on social media is also having a negative impact on mental health. This is affecting both the professional and personal lives of the employees. This problem is being seen more in the finance sector. In a research conducted in 10 countries including India, it was found that 78% of the employees are not able to see themselves in a better position in their job. This not only has a direct impact on their mental health but is also affecting their work. Also read: Young man became so desperate to have a relationship with a woman, he murdered her husband

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