Minister PDR Thiagarajan meets Tamils ​​in Germany – Read

Latest News :- Tamil Nadu's Information Technology Minister BDR Palanivel Thiagarajan met Tamils ​​conducting Tamil classes in Munchen, Germany in the wake of the news of 'Hindu Tamil Vectic'. Tamil Internet Education Corporation (DVA) of the Government of Tamil Nadu is functioning under the Tamil Nadu Department of Information Technology. With the help of TVA, Tamils ​​living in Germany conduct Tamil classes for their children. On 4th, a news was published in 'Hindu Tamil' newspaper about Tamil classes held in Munchen, Germany.

After reading the news, Tamil Nadu Information Technology Minister Dr. BDR Palanivel Thiagarajan went to Moonsen and held a consultation meeting. Last week, a conference of Indo-German youth leaders was organized in Berlin, the capital of Germany. Minister Thiagarajan was one of the chief guests. After that, Aalu Sanaik also held a meeting yesterday in Moonsen regarding the Tamil classes to be conducted with the help of TVA.

Along with Minister Thiagarajan, Moonsen Tamils, which conducts Tamil classes, also participated in it. At this meeting Minister Thiagarajan said: During my visit to Europe, the news about Moonsen Tamil classes was published at the right time. In this I also came to know that you have signed an MoU with Tamil Way Internet Education Institute running under my department to teach Tamil to your children as their mother tongue. When we came to power we kept it as a goal to conduct Tamil classes in such foreign countries.

Presently, we are planning to offer Bachelor's Degree as the next step to Certificate and Diploma Certificate in this course. We have selected and trained 2 teachers for graduate education in Fiji. On behalf of our department, we have also taken the initiative to obtain copyrights of old Tamil books in libraries like Connemara and upload them on the web library of the Government of Tamil Nadu. He said this.

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