Mobile Charger Cleaning Tips: How to clean the white charger of a mobile phone in 5 minutes, know the details


In today's world, almost everyone uses a phone and a charger to keep it running. Generally, chargers are available in black or white. Although both colors perform the same function, white chargers get dirty faster. No matter how carefully you handle it, dirt tends to accumulate on the white charger, making it darker over time.

If your charger is starting to look old and dirty, here are three easy ways to get it back to its original white color.

3 quick ways to clean your charger

baking soda
You can use baking soda to clean your charger. Take a small bowl, pour some water into it and add 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda. Dip a cloth in this solution and wipe the charger thoroughly. After cleaning, use a dry cloth to finish.

shaving cream
Shaving cream is also effective in bringing back the white color of the charger. Apply some shaving cream to the charging cable and wipe it clean with a cloth.

white vinegar
Another option is white vinegar. Mix 4-5 tablespoons of vinegar in a cup of water. Use this solution to clean the charging cable and wipe it with a dry cloth.

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