MP Kripanath Malah distributed 220 checks of Chief Minister's Relief Fund at his residence in Bidyanagar of Shribhoomi district of Assam.
Sribhoomi Correspondent: Daily Read:
Checks from the Chief Minister's Relief Fund for Medical Health were distributed at the BJP office in Assam Shribhoomi district. And on the same day, he distributed 220 checks to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund at the residence of MP Kripanath Malah at his house in Bidyanagar and also to the District BJP office.
For this, Shribhoomi MP Kripanath Malah thanked the BJP workers and thanked Shribhoomi District BJP President Sanjib Banik, former District President Subrata Bhattacharya, Debotosh Paul, Shipra Gun and dedicated party workers of BJP for associating with respected colleagues. The MP said that the Chief Minister's Relief Fund has been an important lifeline for many people,
Which provides financial assistance to reduce the burden of medical expenses. I am proud to have played a role in facilitating this support, and I am committed to continuing my efforts to ensure that quality medical care is accessible to every area of the district.
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