Naked Village in Britain: People have been roaming without clothes in this village for 90 years, if someone comes from outside, this is what happens to him, the world is stunned!

There are places in the world where people do not like to wear clothes, today we are going to tell you about one such unique village, where people have abandoned the tradition of wearing clothes for centuries. The people of this village are financially strong and have all kinds of facilities, but still they are happy without clothes. A village named Spielplatz, located in Hertfordshire, Britain, is one of the most unique in the world. The people of this village have been following a unique tradition for more than 90 years, that is – not wearing clothes! The people here are educated, yet children, old people, women and men live comfortably without clothes.

traditions going on for centuries

This village was first discovered in the year 1929 by a person named Iseult Richardson. He liked this place so much that he decided to settle here. Today this village also has a pub, swimming pool and club. Every person coming here has to follow the rules of the village. Interestingly, when village people go to the city they wear clothes, but as soon as they return to the village, they return to their natural state. However, they can be worn during winter season or on any special occasion. The people of this village live this unique lifestyle very comfortably and they have no regrets about it.

This is the reason for not wearing clothes

This village is famous all over the world for its unique lifestyle, the people here live freely without clothes. Tourists coming here also have to follow this rule. Be it summer or winter, people here feel one with nature. However, it is advisable to wear clothes when it is very cold. At the same time, when village people go out, they wear clothes but as soon as they return, they have to take off their clothes. The elders believe that this tradition makes them feel inner freedom.

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