Today is National Girls Child Day, know why it is celebrated?

New Delhi : The Ministry of Women and Child Development will celebrate January 24 as National Girls Child Day. This initiative was started in the year 2008. Even today, girls are not given priority in our male-dominated country.

Various programs are organized on the occasion of National Girls Child Day. Through these programs, inspiration is given to save girls in the country. Every year National Girls Child Day has a different theme. Even today, there are many places in our country where girls are killed in the womb even before birth. Also, crimes against girls are increasing all over the world. Different awareness programs are organized to prevent exploitation of these girls at an early age and to protect their health and to create a safe environment for girls in the society.

save daughter educate daughter

In today's time, girls are becoming victims of incidents like discrimination, domestic violence and sexual harassment not only outside but also at home. This is why educating girls is the first duty of all of us and it is also a moral imperative. On the occasion of National Girls Child Day, emphasis is laid on things like 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Save the Girl Child'.

24th January is National Girl's Child Day

The most important objective of this day is to bring awareness among the people about all the inequalities faced by girls/girls, to make them aware about things like good education, good health and to increase awareness about their rights. National Girl Child Day is celebrated with emphasis on. National Girls Child Day is celebrated every year on 24 January in India. Also, International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated on 11 October.

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Being a male dominated country, girls in our country did not get equal rights. However, in this 21st century the difference between girls and boys has reduced to some extent. But even today there are many areas in our country where girls are not given equal rights like boys.

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