News9 poll | What do people crave most – money, peace, love, or fame?

New Delhi: In today’s fast-paced world, characterised by rapid advancements and constant connectivity, it’s essential to reflect on what truly matters. The demands of modern life often leave us longing for something more profound, whether it’s financial security, inner peace, a loving relationship, or recognition. These desires are shaped by our experiences and the ever-evolving landscape around us, prompting us to question what brings true happiness and fulfilment. With the influence of social media amplifying these thoughts, it becomes increasingly important to understand what individuals truly yearn for amidst the noise of everyday life.

To gain insight into these desires, News9 conducted a poll across various social media platforms, asking: What do people wish they had more of—money, peace, a good partner, or fame? The results not only reveal people’s priorities but also highlight the common struggles faced in contemporary society. As we delve into the findings, we uncover the shared aspirations that resonate with many, showcasing a collective pursuit of stability and contentment in an ever-changing world. Here are the results and their interpretation.

News9 poll results

On Facebook, peace emerged as the most desired aspect, with 13% of respondents expressing this wish. The craving for peace might reflect the stress and chaos of daily life, where moments of tranquility are rare. Money followed at 7%, indicating a significant number of people are seeking financial stability. Only 2% wished for a good partner, and fame was the least desired at 1%.

Twitter users showed a strong preference for peace, with a majority of 56%. This overwhelming response highlights the collective yearning for calm amidst the noise of social media and the digital world. Money was the second most desired, with 31% of the votes, indicating a substantial concern for financial security. A good partner was important to 8% of respondents, while fame remained a lesser priority at 5%.

On WhatsApp, money was the top choice, with 42% of participants expressing this desire. This could reflect practical concerns about economic stability and future security. Peace was next, with 24%, showing a significant portion of people still yearn for a peaceful life. A good partner was important to 15%, and fame was again the least desired at 7%.

Instagram mirrored the WhatsApp results closely, with money leading at 43%. This indicates a strong desire among users for financial resources, perhaps to support their lifestyles or achieve their goals. Peace was a close second, at 36%, suggesting that even those focused on aesthetics and social presence value tranquility. A good partner was important to 14%, and fame, similar to other platforms, remained low at 7%.

So, money, peace, love, or fame?

Across all platforms, peace and money are the most sought-after desires. Peace, leading on Facebook and Twitter, underscores a widespread need for calm and stress relief. On WhatsApp and Instagram, money takes the top spot, indicating concerns about financial security and independence. The consistent low desire for fame across all platforms suggests that recognition and public attention are less important to people compared to personal well-being and financial stability.

The results highlight the varying priorities, reflecting the diverse needs and desires of their users. The poll reveals a common thread: people are looking for stability and contentment in their lives.

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