Now diseases will not spread around, include these things in your diet instead of sweets, along with taste, health will also get a dose.

New Delhi :- People use sugar a lot in their daily diet, but do you know that it causes harm to your health instead of benefit. Consumption of sugar is no less than poison for health. Despite this, people consume a lot of sweets made from sugar, halwa and sheera. Excessive consumption of sugar-based products makes the body home to many serious diseases. Diabetes is a disease which increases due to consumption of sugar. Obesity also starts with excessive consumption of sweets in the diet. That means, things made of sugar taste good but it is not beneficial for health. In such a situation, if you feel like eating sweets, then instead of sugar in your diet, consume these natural things full of sweetness. It is also beneficial for your health.

Consume these things:
Jaggery: Jaggery contains some vitamins and minerals, which make it healthier than white sugar. Its glycemic index is low. It reduces the risk of insulin resistance which is a common cause of weight gain and obesity. However, you should also consume it less.

Honey has a lower GI value than sugar, which means it does not raise blood sugar levels as quickly. Honey is sweeter than sugar, so you may need less of it. It has high calories per teaspoon, so consume in limited quantity.

Figs are rich in fiber and carbohydrates. Eating it reduces weight, improves digestion, reduces cholesterol and also improves blood sugar level, hence figs should be consumed instead of sugar in your diet.

Dates are a storehouse of nutrients. Along with being rich in antioxidants, it is also considered to be rich in fiber properties. It contains essential vitamins and minerals like iron, potassium and magnesium, making it a healthy alternative to refined sugar. Iron-rich dates are beneficial for people suffering from anemia.

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