On this date of December, the longest night and shortest day of the year will happen, know the reason behind this.

Winter Solstice 2024

Winter Solstice 2024: Winter season has arrived, the month of December is currently going on. During winter the days are short and the nights are long. There comes a day in the month of December, when it is the shortest day of the year and the longest night.

This day falls on December 21, which is known as the winter solstice. This day is a day when the distance between the Earth and the Sun is the greatest, due to which the day is only 8 hours and the night is long. On this day the moonlight remains on the earth for a longer time. Let us tell you, this astronomical event happens only once in a year, and it is seen as the beginning of the winter season.

winter solstice

The day of 21st December is considered special because it is considered the day of winter solstice. On this day the night time is about 16 hours and the day time is only 8 hours. If this question is arising in your mind as to why this happens on this day, then let us know.

Astronomical reason for change in time of day and night

This astronomical phenomenon occurs due to the Earth's 23.4 degree tilt, which makes it different from normal days. On normal days, day and night are almost equal i.e. there is 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. But after 21st December, the nights start getting shorter and the days get longer. This is called the winter solstice.

How did the winter solstice get its name?

If you are wondering how the day got its name Winter Solstice, then let us know, it is a Latin word, which is derived from Solstheim. Sol means sun and sestair means stable. By combining these two words, the word Solstice has been formed, which means the Sun remaining still.

Every year on 21 and 22 December, the Sun's rays fall directly on the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere. Due to which the Northern Hemisphere is furthest from the Sun, for this reason the Northern Hemisphere has the shortest day and longest night.

This day has a greater impact especially in the countries of the Northern Hemisphere, where the days become longer and the nights become shorter. There comes a special moment on this day, when your shadow completely disappears.

The main reason for the change in weather on Earth is its tilted distance and its revolution around the Sun. Our Earth is tilted on its axis at an angle of 23.5 degrees, which is why the Sun's rays fall at different angles at different places at different times.

Changes in weather due to the influence of the sun

This can be better understood in this way, as when the northern hemisphere of the Earth is inclined towards the sun, then there is summer season in that area and the duration of days is long, nights are short. On the contrary, when the sun's rays fall obliquely on the southern hemisphere, it is winter season there and the days are short and the nights are long. Due to this process, changes in weather and variation in time of day and night occur on Earth.


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