Onion plays a wonderful role in controlling increased uric acid, know the right way to consume it

Increase in uric acid is a common problem which can cause many diseases like arthritis. Some special properties present in onion make it helpful in reducing uric acid. Let us know how you can control uric acid by consuming onion.

Properties present in onion that reduce uric acid

  • Antioxidant: The anti-oxidants present in onion help in reducing the oxidative stress in the body which is a reason for the increase of uric acid.
  • Sulfur compounds: Onions contain sulfur compounds that help reduce the production of uric acid.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Onions have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the joints, which is a common symptom of increased uric acid.

Ways to consume onions

  • Raw onions: Eating onions raw provides more nutrients. You can use onions in salads or eat them raw.
  • Cooked onions: Onion can also be eaten cooked. You can add it to vegetables, dal or other dishes.
  • Onion juice: You can also drink onion juice by extracting it. You can also drink it by adding some honey to it.

Precautions while consuming onion

  • Do not consume in large quantities: Consuming onion in excess quantity can cause stomach upset.
  • Allergies: If you are allergic to onion then do not consume it.
  • Medicines: If you are taking any medicine then consult a doctor before consuming onion.

Other measures

  • Adequate water intake: Drink adequate amounts of water throughout the day.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Include fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Milk and Milk Products: Reduce the consumption of milk and milk products.
  • Alcohol and caffeine: Reduce your intake of alcohol and caffeine.
  • Exercise: Exercise regularly.

Please note: Onion can help reduce uric acid, but it is not a magic cure. If you have a problem with uric acid, then definitely consult a doctor.

Disclaimer: This information is for general information only and should not be taken as any medical advice. Always consult your doctor for any health problem.

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