Patients related to asthma and breathing should take special care of their health on Diwali, follow these tips.

The festival of Diwali is celebrated with great pomp. The festival of Diwali seems incomplete without firecrackers. That's why a lot of fireworks are done. In such a situation, people suffering from asthma and respiratory problems have to face a lot of difficulties.

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In such a situation, if you keep some things in mind, then breathing and asthma patients will not have to face problems. First of all, clean your house before Diwali. In such a situation, if you have breathing problems then stay away from this dust.

If possible, clean your mouth and nose by covering them. During the time of Diwali, do not forget to take the medicines you take for respiratory problems. By doing this you will be saved from problems. Also always keep your inhaler with you. So that you can get relief from it in time.

Stay away from firecrackers on Diwali. Because the smoke coming out of firecrackers can further increase your respiratory problems. Try to wear a mask.
Asthma or respiratory patients should stay indoors on Diwali. So that we can avoid the smoke emanating from firecrackers.
Not only this, take special care of your food and drinks. Try to eat less oily and sweets on Diwali and eat fruits and vegetables instead.

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