Pitra Paksha 2024: If you want to get rid of Pitra Dosh, then adopt these simple remedies, life will become happy

Pitra Paksha 2024: If you want to get rid of Pitra Dosh, then adopt these simple measures, life will become happy: We all must have heard of Tarpan, Shradh and Pinddaan, but Pitra Pranayama is a unique method through which we can bring many positive changes in our lives along with the peace of the soul of our ancestors. This process is not only spiritual, but it also provides peace to our body, mind and soul.

About Pitra Pranayama

Pitru Pranayama is similar to yoga, but in this, one remembers one’s ancestors with concentration. The method of this pranayama is simple, in which the names and faces of one’s ancestors are brought to mind while inhaling and exhaling. It is believed that this can remove the troubles and obstacles caused by Pitru Dosha in the horoscope.

Effect of Pitra Dosha

Pitra Dosha is a condition when the soul of our ancestors is dissatisfied and it affects our life. From the astrological point of view, if there is a conjunction of Rahu, Ketu, or Saturn with the Sun in the ninth house, then it is considered as Pitra Dosha. This dosha creates obstacles, hindrances in work and unrest in our life.

Know the method of Pitru Pranayama

  • Sit in Sukhasana: Sit in a calm posture and meditate.
  • Close the right nostril: Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand.
  • Meditation on Ajna Chakra: Place the index finger on the Ajna Chakra located between the eyebrows.
  • Take a deep breath: Inhale through the left nostril and remember your mother.
  • Exhale: Close the left nostril with the ring finger and exhale from the right nostril and remember father.
  • veg out: Rest for a few moments, then again inhale through the right nostril and remember Dada.
  • Second cycle: Similarly, remember the maternal grandparents in the second chakra and the mother-in-law and father-in-law in the third chakra.

In each cycle, there are four inhalations and exhalations; thus, in total, 12 ancestors are remembered in each inhalation and exhalation cycle 12 times.

remember the ancestors

After Pitru Pranayama, sit in Sukhasana with three white flowers and black sesame seeds. Focus on the left nostril and remember your sister, maternal uncle, maternal aunt etc. After this, focus on the right shoulder and remember the ancestral family. Finally, focus on the navel and remember the deceased from the in-laws’ side. If there are any kind of obstacles in your life, then along with Pitru Pranayama, also perform Shraadha, Tarpan and other Pitru Karma. This will give peace to the souls of the ancestors and bring prosperity in your life.

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