Preparations are being made to create a new Muslim country; where women will have complete freedom and there will be no ban on alcohol

New Muslim Country Tirana: There is an attempt to create a Muslim country on the lines of Vatican City, from where efforts will be made to find solutions to all the issues of Muslims. Also, alcohol will be allowed and women will also have the freedom to wear whatever they want. That is, there will be no restrictions on people regarding their lifestyle.

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Actually, Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, where the Pope lives and gives his opinion on matters related to religion. That is, the 'top authority' of Christianity is established here. Cleric Edmond Brahimaj is trying to create such a Muslim country, who wants to create a new country in Tirana, the capital of Albania. Its area will be equal to 5 blocks of New York City.

Maulvi Edmond Brahimaj, popularly known as Baba Mondi, says that God has not banned anything. That is why he has given us the brain to decide what to do. He said that this will be a country built on 27 acres, which Albania is ready to develop as a separate country. It will have its own administration, borders will be fixed and passports will also be issued to the people.

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has also said that he will announce such a country. This country will follow the rules of the Bektashi Order, which is related to the Sufi tradition of Islam. He also said that we are creating a new Muslim state so that the liberal face of Islam can be presented to the world. We will be proud of this.

Edi Rama said that the new country we are going to create will be in East Tirana. Its size will be one-fourth the size of Vatican City. There will be no restrictions on people in it and they will get a chance to live their life in their own way.

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Baba Mondi says that we believe that God does not impose any restrictions on us. That is why he has given us a brain so that we can decide with our own discretion what is right and what is wrong for us.

Let us tell you that the head of the Bektashi Order is Baba Mondi, who is 65 years old and has also served in the Albanian army in the past. He is recognized among millions of Muslims around the world, who also know him as Haji Dede Baba. The Bektashi Order belongs to the Shia Sufi sect, which started in the 13th century during the Ottoman Empire.

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