Priyanka Gandhi shared the video and surrounded BJP, saying – Chhattisgarh government fired 3 thousand teachers after promising to provide 1 lakh jobs.
Chhattisgarh: A video related to teacher recruitment case in Chhattisgarh is becoming increasingly viral on social media. Wayanad MP and Congress Party's National General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi has made a big attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) by sharing a video on her X account. In this video, some girls are seen lying on the road and protesting.
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It is being told that this protest is taking place against the vacant posts of teachers in the state and the recent firing of 3,000 teachers. It can be seen in the video that the girls are lying on the road in the cold and pleading with the government to save their jobs. Disappointment and anger are clearly visible on his face. He says that the government had given him hopes, but now they have been dashed.
This video from Chhattisgarh is a small example of the plight of the youth of the country. The posts of 33 thousand teachers are lying vacant in the state and the BJP government, which had promised to provide 1 lakh jobs, has fired 3 thousand teachers. These girls are on the streets in this extreme cold pleading for jobs…
— Priyanka Gandhi Vadra (@priyankagandhi) January 13, 2025
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33 thousand posts of teachers are vacant in the state
Priyanka Gandhi said that this video from Chhattisgarh is a small example of the plight of the youth of the country. He said that 33 thousand posts of teachers are lying vacant in the state and the BJP government, which had promised to provide 1 lakh jobs, has fired 3 thousand teachers. These girls are protesting by lying on the road in this harsh cold, pleading for jobs.
BJP has pushed the future of youth into darkness
Today, youth of every state including Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh are protesting against BJP's corruption and unemployment. BJP has pushed the future of the youth of the entire country into darkness.
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