Protein is useful for immunity, but care should be taken not to overdo it.

Protein rich diet is taken to reduce weight and increase immunity, nowadays a lot of emphasis is being laid on the immune system during the Corona period. But experts believe that consuming too much protein can also harm the body.

When protein is consumed in excess, it gets stored in the body as fat, in addition, amino acids are also released from the body, causing further weight gain. Low carb intake and increased protein can cause constipation in the long run. Carbohydrates provide fiber which keeps the intestines healthy. This problem can be avoided by drinking more water and consuming fiber.

Eating too much protein can also increase bad breath and body odor. During metabolism in the body, such chemicals are produced which cause bad breath. Dairy products are also high in protein and fat, so it is important to use them in proportion. Consuming a high protein diet for a long time can also affect the kidneys.

Protein is useful for immunity, care must be taken not to take it in excess quantity 2-Image

Excessive consumption of protein proves dangerous for people who are suffering from kidney problems. There is extra burden on the kidneys. This happens due to the amount of nitrogen found in amino acids. Consuming too much protein also has adverse effects on the bones of the body, which can lead to osteoporosis, which means pain in the bones.

Some studies have also found that high protein intake reduces calcium levels in the body. Generally a person requires 50 to 60 grams of protein daily. 50 grams of protein is sufficient for women and 60 grams of protein for men. The rule of universal prohibition applies to all medicines and food items, hence it is important to pay attention to a balanced diet.

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