Treasure of health, raw banana is the best thing for health – Obnews

It is often ignored, but many nutrients are found in it which play an important role in keeping our body healthy.

Some of the major benefits of raw banana are as follows:

  • Blood Sugar Control: Raw banana contains resistant starch which allows blood sugar to rise slowly, making it beneficial for diabetic patients.
  • Improves digestion: Raw banana has high amount of fiber which helps in maintaining proper digestion and prevents the problem of constipation.
  • Helpful in weight loss: Raw banana is low in calories and keeps you full for a long time, which can help in weight loss.
  • cardiovascular health: Raw banana contains potassium which helps in controlling blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart diseases.
  • Beneficial for skin: Raw banana contains antioxidants which make the skin healthy and glowing.
  • Other benefits: Raw banana contains vitamins, minerals and other nutrients which increase the body's immunity and strengthen the bones.

How to include raw banana in your diet:

  • As a vegetable: Raw banana can be cooked and eaten like a vegetable.
  • In salad: You can grate raw banana and add it to salad.
  • Smoothie: You can drink raw banana by mixing it in smoothie.
  • Chips: Chips can be made by cutting raw bananas into thin slices and frying them in oil.

Keep in mind before eating raw bananas:

  • Consuming raw banana in large quantities can cause stomach upset.
  • If you have any health problems, consult your doctor before adding raw bananas to your diet.


Raw banana is a superfood that offers many health benefits. By including it in your diet you can improve your health.

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