Read this story of Ahoi Ashtami fast for the happiness and long life of your child, you will get the full benefit of the puja.

Ahoi Ashtami 2024

Ahoi Ashtami Vrat Katha: Today, on 24th October, Ahoi Ashtami fast is being observed. This festival is celebrated every year on the Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month. On this day, all mothers observe Nirjala fast for the long life and auspicious prosperity of their children.

On this special occasion, it is considered very important to read the history of the fast and perform Aarti during the puja, so that the fast can be considered complete. The importance of this special day increases further by knowing the worship method and story of Ahoi Ashtami.

Importance of Ahoi Ashtami fast (Ahoi Ashtami 2024)

The importance of Ahoi Ashtami fast is considered extremely important especially for the mother, as this fast is observed for the long life and prosperity of the children. On this day, mothers keep a fast for the safety and well-being of their children and worship Ahoi Mata. During this fast, mothers remain dehydrated throughout the day and break their fast as soon as the evening stars rise. This fast is considered very auspicious for the happiness of children.

Ahoi Ashtami Vrat Katha (Ahoi Ashtami Vrat Katha)

Once upon a time there was a moneylender who had sons, daughters-in-law and a daughter. The daughter had come to her parents' house before Diwali. On the day of Diwali, when all the daughters-in-law went to the forest to collect soil, their sons-in-law also went with them. A porcupine lived at that place with her children. A baby porcupine was accidentally killed by the scabbard of the moneylender's daughter. Due to which the porcupine became angry and she warned the moneylender's daughter that she would bind her womb.

Hearing this, out of fear the moneylender's daughter started crying loudly and sought help from her sisters-in-law. At last the youngest sister-in-law agreed to get her womb tied in place of her sister-in-law. After this, all the children the younger sister-in-law had would die within 7 days. After the death of seven sons, the younger sister-in-law asked the Pandit for the solution. The Pandit advised that he should serve the Surhi cow. One day, pleased with the service of Surhi cow, he served Syahu and Syahu blessed him with 7 sons and 7 daughters-in-law. With this blessing, younger sister-in-law's house was filled with children. Since then, a picture of Syahu started being worshiped on the day of Ahoi Ashtami.

Disclaimer- The information given here is given on the basis of general information. Read does not claim that they are true and accurate.

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