Registration of players to participate in Bastar Olympics 2024 will be from 1st to 20th October

Bijapur, 23 September (HS). Bastar division is tribal dominated and Naxalite affected, there is immense natural potential in the field of sports here. Bastar Olympics 2024 is to be organized at development block, district and division level to connect the youth here with the mainstream by establishing a strong relationship between the government and the people in this region and to prepare them as players by identifying their creative and sports talent.

Organized sports disciplines: – Athletics 100m. / 200m. / 400m. High jump / Shotput / Discus throw / Jawline throw 4x100m. Relay race, Archery, Badminton, Football, Hockey District Level, Weightlifting District Level, Karate, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Volleyball and Tug of War will be organized in Bastar Olympics 2024. Age group: – Junior category boys and girls 14 to 17 years and senior category no age limit, for the disabled of Naxal violence and surrendered Naxalites, for registration of women / men at division level, from 1 to 20 October 2024, all the district panchayats / urban bodies, development block education office, sports and youth welfare department of Bijapur district can be contacted.

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