Resolving disputes through mediation is an ancient tradition in India: Justice Shukla | News India – ..

Indore, September 23 (HS). India has an ancient tradition of resolving disputes through mediation. The concept of mediation is still relevant and effective. Disputes are resolved easily and better through mediation. This was said in the three-day community mediation training program going on in the conference hall of Madhya Pradesh High Court Bench Indore.

The program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp on Monday by Justice Vijay Kumar Shukla under the direction of Administrative Justice Vivek Rusia, Indore High Court Division Bench. Justice Vijay Kumar Shukla addressed the participants of various societies participating in the program. He said that mediation is key in the community mediation programme. The basic meaning of the word mediation was expressed by him through a Sanskrit verse “Samah vicharah vadam vidyaam saam hi vadastha doorastha sam vadade sukhde khayomad sam vinam vadamah na karyaah”.

He said that mediation is not a gift of today’s modern age, examples of mediation are found in our religious texts Ramayana and Mahabharata. In Ramayana, Lord Ram had sent Angad as an ambassador to Ravana for mediation. During Mahabharata period, Lord Krishna himself had become a peace ambassador and tried to mediate between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. The tradition of Panchayat playing the role of mediation in society has been going on since ancient times. Through Munshi Premchand’s story Panchayat, he told about the dispute between “Jumman Sheikh and Algu Chaudhary” being resolved through Panchayat.

He said that since ancient times, there has been a tradition in our community to accept the decision of the Mukhiya. He asked the participants to work like a Mukhiya in their society. He said that after the training, they should play the role of mediation in the society well. Principal Registrar, Madhya Pradesh High Court, Indore Bench, Anup Kumar Tripathi expressed his gratitude.

In the first session of the first day of the program, the President of District Consumer Forum Bhopal and trainer Girbala Singh explained the nature and causes of conflict and conflict management and made the subject known through PPT. In the second session, former District and Sessions Judge Dr. Mohammad Shamim gave information about the definition and concept of mediation and gave information about the benefits of mediation, the role of mediators, the difference and qualities of adjudication and arbitration of arbitration.

In the third session, information was provided about introduction and opening statement, joint session, meeting, closure, settlement (successful), no settlement (unsuccessful) etc. under mediation process and phases and in the fourth session, information was provided about definition and process, verbal and non-verbal communication and barriers in communication in mediation. At the end of the first day of the program, former District and Sessions Judge Dr. Mohammad Shamim and President District Consumer Forum Bhopal and trainer Girbala Singh jointly conducted mock exercise-1 (Robert vs Arun) for the participants. The program was conducted by OSD/Registrar MP High Court Bench Indore Naveen Parashar.

Principal Registrar Anoop Kumar Tripathi, OSD/Registrar Naveen Parashar, former District and Sessions Judge Dr. Mohd. Shamim, President District Consumer Forum Bhopal Miss Giribala Singh, President High Court Bar Association Indore Ritesh Inani, Secretary High Court Bar Association Indore Bhuwan Gautam, Vice President High Court Bar Association Indore Yashpal Rathore and Bar Executive Member Legal Aid Officer Prabhat Pandey, High Court Legal Services Committee Manish Kaushik and employees of MP High Court and Legal Services Committee along with representatives of various communities participated in the program.

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