Due to this reason, Android Smartphone chargers get damaged quickly, you should also check these things

Android The number of phone users has always been high. You will find Android smartphone users in many homes, but you also have to face many problems with this phone, which also includes slow charging. Sometimes the charging of Android smartphone slows down, after which you do not understand what to do. We have brought some solutions for this for you.

What is the reason for slow charging

Usually, the charging of the smartphone is slow due to a weak or faulty power source, wireless charging or dirt on the charging port. Apart from this, continuous use of the phone while charging or leaving the app open in the background also increases the temperature of the old battery, which slows down the charging.

Sometimes, software updates also cause charging problems. If there are bugs in the software, it affects the battery and charging becomes slow, due to which the charging power problem does not go away even after using the socket or electricity.

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Protect yourself like this

  • If you want to improve the charging of your phone, then before putting it on charging, close all the background apps running on your phone and then put the phone on charging.
  • You can also charge your phone by putting it on airplane mode, so that no notifications come and the phone does not do any other work.
  • Always charge your phone with the internet off so that it does not heat up.
  • Do not use the phone while it is charging; this may damage the charging port.

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