Rohit Sharma took the catch by jumping 7.8 feet and improved Mohammed Siraj’s record? watch video – Read

What will be the result of Kanpur test is not known yet. But, it would not be wrong to call the catch that Indian captain Rohit Sharma took with one hand by jumping about 8 feet in the first session on the fourth day, surprising. It is said that matches are won only by catching catches. This catch taken by Rohit Sharma while waving it in the air is a perfect example of that, but apart from that, this catch taken by Rohit has also helped in improving the record of Mohammad Siraj.

Now you might be thinking that the catch is fine but how did Rohit’s catch improve Mohammed Siraj’s record? Before we come to the answer to this question, let us take a look at Rohit’s catch.

Rohit jumped 7.8 feet high and caught the catch

Rohit Sharma caught the catch of Bangladeshi player Liton Das, who had played a good shot on the ball of Mohammad Siraj. But captain Rohit Sharma came in between his best shot. He intercepted the shot going over his head and converted it into a catch. To do this, Rohit Sharma just had to take his right hand in the air and jump 7.8 feet high.

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