Russia did this work for India, Pakistan and China got worried…

: Russia has supported India's claim for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has demanded permanent seats for India and Brazil. In his address to the 79th UN General Assembly, he stressed that a “fair world order” requires expanding representation of the Global South in the UN Security Council.

Need for a more sustainable world order'Lavrov said, “We are not backing down from talks with the West. In July, on Russia's proposal, there was an open debate in the Security Council on the topic of building a fairer, more sustainable world order. We believe that it is important to restart the discussion that has started in the United Nations as well as in other forums. “A more just world order undoubtedly requires expanded Global South representation in the UN Security Council.”

He said, “We support the candidatures of Brazil and India. We cannot even talk about any additional seats for Western countries, which are already over-represented in the Security Council. Tension between China and Pakistan will increase. All the permanent members of the UN Security Council, except China, support India. Are doing. Many times in the past, China has used veto power on India's permanent membership. In fact, China fears that if India gets permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council, then in such a situation China's credibility will reduce in the Global South. Apart from this, Pakistan also would not want India to get permanent membership.

.What is the 'mathematics' of UNSC? There are 15 members in the United Nations Security Council. Five permanent and 10 temporary. Permanent members include America, China, France, Russia and Britain, who have veto power, which increases their power significantly. On the other hand, 10 temporary members are elected for a two-year term. The council's main functions include investigating conflicts, conducting peacekeeping operations, and imposing sanctions when necessary. It plays an important role in dealing with global crises and conflicts, making it an essential institution in international diplomacy.

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