Use your credit and debit cards in this way, you will be saved from financial loss.

Safely Use Your Credit and Debit cards in India News In Hindi

To avoid financial losses, it is important to follow certain security precautions during online transactions.

Safely Use Your Credit and Debit cards in India News In Hindi: With the increasing popularity of online shopping and digital payments, credit and debit cards have become essential tools for convenience. However, the rise of cyber crime poses great risks. To avoid financial losses, it is important to follow certain security precautions during online transactions.

1. Choose only trusted websites

Before making any purchases, make sure you are using a reliable and well-known website. Cyber ​​criminals often create fake sites that mimic popular shopping platforms. Always check and verify the validity of the website before entering your card details.

2. Enable two-factor authentication

For increased security, activate two-factor authentication on your card. This feature requires an additional verification code for transactions, making it harder for unauthorized users to access your account, even if they know your card details.

3. Use secure networks for payments

Avoid making payments on public Wi-Fi or unknown networks. Public networks are vulnerable to hacking, allowing scammers to steal your card information. Always use a private, secure network when shopping online.

4. Be careful in contactless transactions

Contactless payment methods may provide convenience, but come with risks. Since these transactions do not require a PIN, a lost or stolen card may result in unauthorized payments. If you use this feature, monitor your transactions regularly.

5. Avoid using credit cards for cash withdrawals

While banks allow credit cardholders to withdraw cash, this may lead to high interest charges from the day of withdrawal. If repayment is delayed, the financial burden increases significantly. Use this option only in emergency situations.

6. Create strong passwords

Weak passwords make your account vulnerable to hacking. Avoid short, easy-to-understand passwords. Instead, create strong, unique passwords using a mix of letters, numbers and symbols, especially if you frequently use your card online.

Protect yourself from cyber crime in the coming year

Online payment is convenient, but it requires vigilance. By following these security tips – choosing a trusted website, using a secure network, enabling two-factor authentication, and setting strong passwords – you can shop online with confidence and avoid becoming a victim of cyber fraud.

(For more news apart from Safely Use Your Credit and Debit cards in India News In Hindi, stay tuned to Spokesman Hindi)

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