SBI's special fixed deposit, offering up to 7.5% interest rate to customers

Investing in fixed deposit is considered a good option for any person because there is no risk in it. At the same time, banks also provide the service of special fixed deposit with the help of which they can get good interest rates. Many special fixed deposits are currently being offered by State Bank of India (SBI).

How much interest rate is being received?

Let us tell you that the bank is providing special fixed deposit service even for amounts less than Rs 3 crore. In this, customers are getting interest rates ranging from 3.5 percent to 7.5 percent. According to the official website of the bank, interest rates ranging from 3.5 to 6.75 percent are being given to general customers and interest rates ranging from 4 to 7.5 percent are being given to senior citizens.

Whereas the bank has given 3.5% interest rate to general public and 4% to senior citizens on tenure of 7 to 45 days. On tenure ranging from 46 days to 179 days, general customers are being given the benefit of 5.5% interest rate and senior citizens are being given the benefit of 6% interest rate.

On tenure of 211 days to less than 1 year, general customers are getting 6.5% interest rate and senior citizens are getting 7% interest rate. On tenure of 1 year to less than 2 years, general customers are getting 6.8% interest rate and senior citizens are getting 7.3% interest rate. On tenure ranging from 5 years to 10 years, 6.5% interest rate is being given to general customers and 7.5% interest rate is being given to senior citizens.

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