Scientists claimed that it is a panacea for diabetes, this red cheese can reduce sugar level by 50 percent…

New Delhi :- Diabetes is a matter of great concern worldwide. By the year 2030, diabetes may become the seventh largest cause of death in the world. A metabolic disorder that causes irregular blood sugar fluctuations in the body, diabetes mellitus currently affects more than 425 million people worldwide, with India accounting for more than 72.9 million cases of diabetes in 2017. Are included. Due to lack of proper care and attention, this disease can also cause diabetes, obesity, kidney failure and heart related complications.

Diabetes patients are often asked to follow a strict diet rich in fiber-rich foods. In such a situation, do you know that onion can prove to be an ideal bet for a healthy diabetes diet? Studies have shown that many flavonoids are present in onion which help in keeping blood sugar under control and also promote good health and immunity.

This study has been mentioned in an article published on the website. In this study, a team of scientists conducted a meta-analysis of all the studies on onions reducing blood sugar in rats with type-2 diabetes. The results of all studies were mixed. Then it was found that onions may contain compounds that control blood sugar spikes.

Let us tell you, this research was done on rats, in which rats with type-2 diabetes were given 200, 400 and 600 mg onion extract daily depending on their weight. After which there was a rapid decrease in his blood sugar. A 35 to 50 percent reduction was recorded in the blood sugar of rats taking 400 and 600 mg. From this it was estimated that consumption of onion extract can reduce the blood sugar level in diabetic patients by 50 percent. Meaning consumption of onion extract can reduce blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. The findings were published in the journal Medicinal Food.

Why is onion good for diabetes management? Rich in fiber
Onions, especially red onions, are rich in fiber. Spring onions (spring onions are a vegetable in the onion family also known as scallions or green onions) have the least fiber in the family. Fiber takes time to be broken down and digested, which releases sugar slowly into the bloodstream. Fiber also bulkens your stool, which can help reduce constipation, a common problem among diabetics.
low carbs
Onion contains very little carbohydrate. 100 grams of red onion contains about 8 grams of carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are metabolized quickly, resulting in a rapid release of sugar into the bloodstream. Diabetes patients are often advised to include more low-carbohydrate foods in their diet. Additionally, onions are also low in calories, and can be safely considered for a healthy weight loss plan. Low Glycemic Index
The glycemic index is a value given to foods (carbohydrates) based on how slowly or quickly they affect blood sugar levels. Raw onion has a glycemic index of 10, making it an ideal low GI food to include in your diabetes diet. What the results say published on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
Allium cepa is commonly known as onion and belongs to the Liliaceae family. Since ancient times, it has been traditionally used for the treatment of various diseases. Among the various activities of onion, regulation of hypoglycemic activity is considered to be one of its important effects in DM. Onion extract has also been shown to have hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects by normalizing the activities of liver hexokinase, glucose 6-phosphatase and HMG coenzyme-A reductase. Have gone. According to research, drinking onion extract helps in controlling blood sugar rapidly. to high blood sugar

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