The season of white Ashgourd has arrived… Its juice has miraculous properties, know how much health benefits you will get by consuming it daily…

White Petha or also known as Rakhiya or Ash Gourd is considered very beneficial for health. This food has many benefits for the body. It is also known as white pumpkin or round gourd. This vegetable contains many properties like protein, iron, zinc and calcium which provide many benefits to the body. It has very low calorie content. You will get tremendous benefits by drinking 1 glass of its juice every morning on an empty stomach. And now its season has also come and now very good Rakhiyas are available in the market. So let's know about the benefits of drinking it.

Benefits of drinking white petha juice

Helpful in weight loss

White Ashgourd proves to be helpful in weight loss. Just drink 1 glass of white Ashgourd juice every morning on an empty stomach and see the results. It has high fiber content, due to which hunger is reduced. Weight is reduced. It has zero calorie content. If you drink its juice, the toxins accumulated in the body are eliminated. The body becomes disease free in many ways.

Improves digestion

Drinking white pumpkin juice on an empty stomach cures stomach related problems. Constipation, gas and acidity problems are almost eliminated. It improves digestion.

Provides relief from kidney stones, removes weakness

Drinking white pumpkin juice provides the body with vitamins B and C. Both these vitamins are very helpful in keeping the kidneys healthy. It provides relief from the problem of stones. The juice helps the kidneys to flush out toxins from your body.

Control cholesterol level

Drinking white Ashgourd juice controls cholesterol levels. It also improves heart health. Hydration and immunity are strengthened. It reduces bad cholesterol. It contains sufficient amount of calcium, zinc and phosphorus, which removes weakness. Its juice also helps in removing fatigue.

Know how to make white Ashgourd juice?

All you have to do is wash the white petha and cut it into small pieces. Now put them in the grinder and grind them. After this, add mint leaves and 4-5 black peppers and grind once again. Now filter it and extract the juice. It will be beneficial to drink this juice regularly every day.

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