It is important to hide these things from your partner for a strong relationship: Strong Relationship Tips
Strong Relationship Tips: The strength of any relationship rests on the foundation of trust, love, respect and loyalty. If you and your partner also have this quality, then believe me the relationship can never break. But on the other hand, keep in mind that the thread of a relationship is very delicate and once this delicate thread is broken, then gradually the relationship also starts weakening. It is also possible that after some time the relationship may break. In such a situation, to maintain and save the relationship, it is better to hide some things from your partner. Let us know which things should be kept secret from your partner for a strong relationship.
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Do not mention past affair
Even if you are in a relationship with someone or are married, you should not repeatedly mention your past relationships with your partner. If you do these things even jokingly, it can hurt your partner. Be it a boy or a girl, no one is able to tolerate hearing about past relationships or exes. Therefore, it would be better that you never mention old relationships.
dislike of a family member
No person likes to hear criticism from his family. If you dislike someone from your partner's family, do not even mention this to them. Doing this can create sourness in your relationship, because no one likes to hear these things about their family. If you are facing problems with any member of your partner's family, then you can definitely talk to them openly about it. But you should avoid criticizing.
Keep your partner's shortcomings a secret
Not every person is completely perfect. Everyone lacks something or the other. There will be something lacking in you or your partner too. But for a healthy relationship, keep in mind that you should avoid pointing out and criticizing your partner's shortcomings. Doing this can hurt their self-esteem, which can affect your relationship.
Opinion of friends and family towards partner
Your partner can be the most special person in the world for you. But it is also possible that your friend or family member does not like any of his/her habits. You should not tell these things to your partner at all. Keeping these things secret to yourself will be good for your relationship.
Feel free to hide this thing and tell lies
When your partner brings you a gift to express your love or for pampering, then you should not hesitate to lie that this gift is very good and you liked it. Whether you like the gift or not. But if you give false praise instead of telling the truth, it will strengthen your relationship and your partner will also be happy.
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