A selfie will ruin your life, cyber hackers will empty your account

Cyber Crime. Taking selfies has become a part of fashion these days. Everyone takes beautiful pictures and shares them on social media, but do you know that these same pictures can increase your troubles? Cybercriminals are now stealing your personal bank account details using selfies. After this, they are looting your money and cheating you by cyber-attacking your bank account. Today we will tell you how this is possible and how to be cautious about it.

Selfie Authentication and Cyber ​​Fraud

You must have seen many times that some apps and websites require you to take a selfie to prove your identity. This selfie is called authentic and the same technology is used to check whether you are the person you are claiming to be or not.

Most banks or fintech companies do verification by taking selfies, but now cyber criminals are also using this technology for their own benefit.

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How fraud happens through selfie

Phishing Attack – In this crime, cyber criminals send you phishing emails or SMS. There is a link inside it and if you click on it, a fake website opens. Where you are asked to take your selfie and upload it. In this way, selfies can also be misused.

Malware – Cybercriminals install malware apps in the phone. Due to which your phone's camera comes under their control. After this, your selfie is taken without your knowledge and it is misused.

Social media and deepfakes

Cybercrime hubs also use deepfakes using social media profiles and stolen photos from them. Deepfakes mean creating a fake image through artificial intelligence, on which fake photos or videos are created from someone's picture. Voice can also be imitated in this way.

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Cybercrime through selfie

Committing bank fraud – Cyber ​​criminals can use your selfie to hack into your bank account and withdraw your money.

Loan – In cyber crime, loan can also be taken in your name through selfie.

SIM Card Clone – Cyber ​​criminals can also clone your SIM card using your selfie and receive OTP using your mobile number.

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Protect yourself like this

  • If you also want to avoid this crime then avoid clicking on any unknown link.
  • Enter strong and unique passwords for all your accounts.
  • Use two-factor authentication to increase security.
  • Always keep your phone's security updated.
  • Use good antivirus software and keep your phone safe from malware.
  • Use social media with caution and don’t share your personal information.
  • If you ever feel that you have been a victim of cyber crime, contact your bank and report it immediately.

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