Separatists release New Zealand pilot who was held hostage for 19 months

The New Zealand pilot who was held hostage for more than a year in the troubled Papua region has been released by separatist rebels. Indonesian officials gave this information. The hostage pilot has been identified as Philip Marks Mehrtens, who is a resident of Christchurch. He works for Indonesian aviation company Susi Air. The separatist rebels handed over Philip to the Kartang Peace Taskforce on Saturday. Let us tell you that Kartang Peace Taskforce is the security force of Indonesia.

“He was found by us in good health. He has been taken to Timika for a health check-up,” taskforce spokesman Bayu Suseno said. Freedom fighters led by Agianus Kogoya, a regional commander of the Free Papua Movement, kidnapped Philip Mehrtens on February 7 last year. Kogoya had earlier said he would not release Philip until the Indonesian government allowed Papua to become a sovereign country. However, meanwhile the West Papua Liberation Army had said they would release Philip after holding him hostage for a year.

The New Zealand government said that Philip Mehrtens, who was held hostage in Papua, Indonesia, has now been released. Foreign Minister Winston Peters issued a statement expressing relief over the release of Mehrtens. He said, “We are happy to inform that Philip Mehrtens is safe and healthy. He is now able to talk to his family. This will be a relief news for his family and friends.” The Foreign Ministry said that for the last 19 months, government agencies were in touch with Indonesian authorities to bring back Philip Mehrtens.

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